Group-Exhibition, titled: Oozing the Wound at Ijzerblok Studio (Coolhaven, Rotterdam)

In silence you can visit the remains of value makers from the past. The Hoisting is a synonym for elevating. Curio refers the object of a pedestal. This memento serves as footing which elevates artefacts. The form of the basement is subordinate to the functionality of an object. For example, when the pedestal is used to support a monumental statue, it raises the individual on a stage. The function is to alter the political person and transform she/he/them into an object with monumental status. This spectacle format strips the individual of the temporal existence and transcends them into a historical narrative.  In the article “Een Sokkel, Maar Niet Langer een Voetstuk” from Iris van der Zee, a shift is demonstrated in this transcendental function of the pedestal. According to the writer Iris van der Zee, this purpose is transformed into the pedestal as an object of commemoration without celebration. The statues are toppled from their monumental base. The monumental value of the footing is changing, in metamorphosis. Where the pedestal first propagated ideas of elevation and timelessness, it now becomes something temporal.